I chose peace for my topic this month. If there is no peace there is no love, no light and no connection to Spirit since each resonates to the same vibration. One cannot have peace around them without having peace within. In the physical, inner peace heals and changes both inside and outside. For when you have peace within, you vibrate that to all living things around you. This vibration is not only healthy, but it is also contagious .
Having inner peace allows you to be who you are and allows others to be who they need to be. Recognizing how special and unique you are, allows those around you to feel the same about themselves. Each of us has the ability to manifest our own special qualities that are unlike anyone else abilities. Though many seek to find those of like mind, you will never find another one that is the very same. That is why there is room for all on this planet. We share the same challenges, but learn from each other different things at different times. The greatest adventure is to allow everyone their joy and learn from the vibration of that joy. Living in your joy is the same as loving yourself unconditionally. You remain in a wonderful place when you don't judge yourself. Being non judgmental allows you to live in the now moment , which will create special moments. These moments are shared by all that are around you, the trees, the grass, animals, insects and all living things. They can either bring you joy or teach you to place your thoughts on something that does bring you joy. When you live in a constant state of peace, you draw to your vibration more of the same. When you are around those that are not at peace with themselves, you learn to focus on what they have taught you, which is that you desire to be around those that are at peace. This will feel better to you since you are already in that vibration. Surrendering to the Universe thoughts of what is desired , as opposed to what is not, will allow you to focus on that which you do desire.
By holding on to what does not allow us joy, we continue holding onto that same vibration that continues the
flow of that which we d0 not like, resulting in an experience that does not work for us.
In today's world we reminded daily of the amount of people inhabiting this planet, and thanks to technology we are connecting to more of them on a daily basis.
What have we learned from this information?
It seems to me that everyone is beginning to think and look the same, to love the same stores and to think and pray the same. The more we become like each other, you would think we could get along better? We are constantly sharing what we do and who we are, with strangers, and if we don't like them, we want to keep them as strangers.
As a result we find that being the same is not a happy thing. We are constantly fighting and being disappointed with each other. We want to be apart of this world and yet we don't want others to play with us, especially if they are not thinking or behaving like we think they should. We are judging each other because we are still judging ourselves. We find fault with others because we believe we are not perfect.
Every December we celebrate the gift of giving to each other , a celebration of lights, love, joy and peace.
Why are we not celebrating with each other the gifts given to us from Divine Source ,which encompasses all light, love, joy and peace ?
If the Universe is all good then why are we not learning to be good? If the Universe is of non judgment, why do we judge?
If Source is of Light, Love, Joy and Peace, why are we not of light, love, joy and inner peace?
Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, and yet they don't embrace the essence of who Jesus was.
Jesus was Jewish man, and yet there are some that condemn the Jewish people? This is a time of confusion, anger and fear. Divine Source is of clarity, love and hope.
My message this month is that each of us allow ourselves to be at peace with who and what we are in this moment.
Vibrate inner peace, joy and love, and allow the Universe to guide you to the light.
Believe in yourself knowing that you will draw to your vibration others that believe in themselves. Together you will learn what works for you, instead of holding on to things that no longer serve you.
Understanding that Divine Source is connected to each of us, why are we not trusting that this power will take care of us?
We can stay at peace with ourselves, knowing that whatever we do or say, as long as it comes from our hearts, is perfect whole and complete. Begin each day with gratitude knowing that life allows all that is joyful to be a part of your reality.
As you stay in this vibration, knowing that all is just as it should be , you will start to draw to you the highest and best possibilities. You can never fail if what you are doing is making you happy. When doing what makes you happy is not working for you, just begin to
change the way you are doing it and perceiving it, then you will find success in that experience. You will intuitively know that it will bring you the joy that you desire. Listen to your inner voice and let your guides take you on an adventure of Light, Love and Happiness.
When doing what you know feels right for you , you then take responsibility for your own happiness.
Share who you are knowing that you are the only one like you and that by being you, you will be teaching others something that they would not have learned from anyone else. They will learn to love who they are and will want to share their special gifts with all that are around.
This Month is a month of Peace, which means it is a month of just allowing!
Be kind, patient and loving to all the Gifts that the Universe has provided with the understanding that you are among the special gifts in the treasure chest of life.
Allow yourself and all living creatures around you to have a very Happy Holiday!
In joy,