Graduation Day
Oh June!
A time when children graduate from High School or College. Many adults, young and old, get
married in this month.
A time of summer blooms, birds singing and for some, new beginnings. I wanted to speak about graduation day, not just from school or relationships, but from life.
Graduation is acknowledging all that you have learned and all of your achievements, taking what you have accomplished and applying it towards a new direction in your life.
Many years of feeding your brain information helps you move forward in life. The more knowledge you have, the easier it is to achieve all of your goals. The brain tells our legs to move, our hands to write, our eyes to focus and our ears to hear. We take our brain for granted, yet how would we function without our gray matter?
Not only do we take our brain for granted, but let's not forget, you can't tell the brain to move your legs if you don't have the desire to do so. Your brain can’t signal your ears if you cannot hear. Your eyes won't work if you don't want to see and you hands are useless if you don't want to put anything in them.
We function in the physical form by co-creating with other living beings through the Divine Source.
The body functions because the brain co-creates with the energy that lives within, that is called your soul.
We go to school and take courses studying to feed the brain, but what do we do to feed the soul?
Without our soul we would not function with feeling, we would be robotic and go through life having no desire or will. That works well for the tin man who has no heart or the scarecrow that has no brain, but it does not work well for the lion who desires to have courage.
Our souls live within us and are the energy that continuously charges when it is connected to Divine Source.
Divine Source is pure energy of unconditional love. The more we expose our souls to the vibration of love the closer we get connected to Divine Source.
In the non physical, we choose to come into the physical body and bring with us energy that co-creates with the organs that make the human body function. The body is the machine and the soul is operator.
Within each of us are 7 energy centers, both masculine and feminine, connected by the center which is our heart energy. The heart is where we give and take in life. When we give too much our hearts give out, and when we take too much our hearts explode. There needs to be an equal balance of the yin and yang in order to function properly. Here are the 7 energy centers known as Chakras and what they do:
Root “I Belong” (Red)
Sacral “I Feel” (Orange)
Solar Plexus “I Can” (Yellow)
Heart “I Love” (Green)
Throat “I Speak” (Blue)
Third Eye “I See” (Indigo)
Crown “I Am” (Purple)
Since the soul resonates to love energy, each of the chakras react in a positive way when surrounded by a love vibration. Love is the same vibration as joy, happiness and what feels right and works best for you and only for you. Each soul functions the same way but differently for each individual. In the physical we begin to teach our souls to become higher in consciousness when we come from vibration of love and joy. The higher in consciousness, the closer we connect to Divine Source. So if we choose to come from a place of lack or what does not feel right to us, our consciousness remains low and we are constantly in a place of confusion and unhappiness. Our soul thrives on a pure vibration of love in order to co-create with our bodies in the physical. Our bodies do not resonate or function correctly if we are not happy and in the moment. Staying in the moment continuously teaches us what we desire because we are experiencing that which we are doing. When we live in the past or in the future we are not
experiencing, but wasting energy.
When you begin to live your life according to what you have learned makes you feel good, you begin to acquire all that is good for you. If you choose to have a career that you desire, knowing that it will bring you joy, you will have all the gifts that the Divine Source provides, and all your needs will be taken care of. If you choose a career because you were told that it would be good for you and it does not bring you joy, you are just working for the sake of working and may eventually create problems with your 3rd chakra, causing dis-ease within your body. That is why it is important to let your soul guide your brain, allowing your body to move forward on a path of love and joy, which will keep your body happy and your life prosperous.
If you choose to get into a relationship of any kind, either marriage or companionship, it is important that each of you have individual joy and freedom.
By allowing others to have their joy, they will allow you to have your joy in return. As you stay in a place of joy, you begin to learn what it is you desire to have in life and you begin to vibrate that desire. Because it is coming from your joy, it is a pure desire and the Universe only reacts to a pure desire. This is the law of attraction, what and how you vibrate is what you will attract.
If you vibrate fear, you will attract fear and that is the opposite of love which does not resonate to
Divine Source.
So as you go through life co-creating, stay in a place of love and draw to your vibration all that you desire. Choose work and relationships that allow you your joy so that you can continue on your path of learning and growing in consciousness. Stay in that consciousness knowing and trusting that you will receive what you desire because it is coming from a place of love. Love is a pure vibration that the Universe connects to and will assist you in your adventures both in the physical and the non physical.
Stay in the moment for in each moment is the experience.
Trust your feelings and listen to your heart when choosing what roads to take. If that road does not work for you, don't give up on your destination, just take a different road to get there.
You can never fail at anything in life if it comes from your truth and what brings you your joy. Truth is a pure vibration and will be attracting other truths that will bring you all that you desire in your life.
Whatever you choose, may each of you have a glorious life and have a chance to celebrate new beginnings daily.
Happy Graduation day!
In joy,
Please send love and prayers to Pat Thompson and Leo Rossetti II
We are knowing that your heart will be strong and your recovery will be a joyous experience
and so it is !