My Message of the Month
Another Fall is here and I am grateful for that!
November is a time to celebrate and be grateful for all that we have, and learn from all that we have lost.
As Americans we are fortunate to live in a Democracy that enables us to be free thinkers which allows us to discover our own individual gifts and become who we desire to be. That alone is a reason to be full of gratitude.
We have been living in a time of confusion, greed and separation which might make one question why should we be grateful. If you look at this disconnect and learn from all that is happening, you will find that you really would be happier focusing on clarity, abundance and unity. That is where our focus should be. Our gratitude should be channeled towards the thought of what we desire to have instead of what we are fearing.
The Universe has provided us with a background of love, light and life. An environment of beauty and
abundance, allowing us to prosper and succeed in the physical form. That is what we need to be thankful for.
We are able to communicate with other human beings , our gardens and wildlife. This communication teaches us to share, laugh, teach, learn and love. Our thoughts should be on all we experience that makes us happy,
not what makes us feel less than and scared. Our focus should be on all that allows us our joy. We should be grateful that we are part of a nation that believes all men are created equal and deserve to be treated fairly. It is essential that we care and nurture our children , and teach them to experience their value. Children are our future and will only succeed if we show gratitude for their participation in the vitality of life. The vibration of growth and love is what there is to be grateful for. Our freedom and morality is the key to a day of thanksgiving. Let us bow our heads in appreciation for the gifts we have so generously been given.
If everyone resonates a vibration of freedom, unity and love there will be a great day to celebrate.
May you and your family have a joyous November and a loving, abundant Thanksgiving day.
In joy,
We pray for a world of Love and Peace!
Thoughts and Prayers go to those who have been affected by the fires in California!