My Message of the Month
Growing up Italian American was very special to me. Each American holiday was celebrated with an Italian flair.
Easter we had the usual lamb dinner accompanied by Pastelle Di Pasqua, an Italian bread baked with a colorful hard boiled egg inside. Thanksgiving there was ravioli and meat balls followed by turkey with stuffing and gravy. Christmas was always either ham or a roast after an evening of bacalao (dried cod fish), and potatoes, a true European tradition. Though we really did not have much money,every holiday was a time to celebrate and give thanks for what we did have. Most of all we had each other.
When the fourth of July came around, my Dad with his Italian accent and my Mother, both first generation, became all American. We celebrated outdoors with hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, mustard and ketchup, the works. Yes, you got it, a holiday without pasta. After a day of sun, eating and play, we got ready for fireworks. A full day to celebrate not only our pride of being American, but celebrating the fact that we were part of a country that was full of opportunity and freedom. Freedom to be ourselves and the freedom which allowed us to embrace our heritage, traditions and our Spiritual beliefs.
My parents, like all parents, had their own crazy ways but they taught us to love our country and our neighbor, to treat others as you would like to be treated. We did not have much, but were taught to always share what we did have so others less fortunate did not feel less than.
We are all connected to one Divine Source, the energy of Love-light. In the physical form, though different from each other, we are united by one thread, that connection is Love energy.
In my 63 years of living I have seen both smiles and sadness from people of different races and cultures. Tears and laughter are in each and everyone you meet. We all have dreams and goals to achieve what we desire. Yes, we each have the desire to love and to be loved.
The Universe has given to everyone all that is needed to survive in the physical. All that the Universe asks of us is to acquire what brings us our individual joy.
Each of us has chosen to come from the non physical into the physical experience, not to learn lessons from the past, but to learn how to be happy in present moment. If in a past life adventure we learned something from the experience, we come into this life with the understanding of what that experience was through intuition. This allows us to embrace a different experience. Each adventure you choose is it's own experience. As you learn from each adventure, your consciousness rises. The hire in consciousness, the higher the frequency of love-light energy . When we don't learn from an adventure, we resonate a lower frequency. Resonating at a lower frequency attracts a vibration that is less than what we deserve or desire to have. Living life through fear, ego, jealousy, or a feeling of lack, takes away from our joy and becomes a lower consciousness.
To raise that vibration, we must stay in a place of what brings us happiness and joy. In order to do that we should embrace what we learn that works for us and let go of what does not work. Learning and letting go of what does not work can be more difficult than learning what allows us joy and surrendering that to the Universe.
In order to do that, we must learn to trust ourselves. Since we are connected to one Divine Source, which is love, we must trust and stay in that vibration.
Trust and love resonate as the same frequency.
Don't hold on to mistakes or hurts, learn from them and focus on what makes you happy.
Focusing on your happiness allows you to have joy and the law of attraction will begin to attract all that is of like mind. Those that feel the need to always be in control of their life should learn to trust and surrender that control to the Universe. Doing so will give you time to live in the moment and will allow you to be more in control. When you are living in the moment of your joy, you are experiencing true freedom.
Freedom to be who you desire to be and freedom to be with those you desire to be with.
In order to live a life of freedom, you must allow others to be free.
Living a life through love, teaches others to love their life.
In order to embrace your own individual experience, you must allow others to do the same.
Desiring to have more out of life is treating others as if they have more.
Never look down on anyone, for when you do you are looking down on the Universe and you will attract others that do the same.
Your moment is a life of learning and understanding who and what you are. Your uniqueness teaches others how to embrace their own uniqueness.
July is the month that Americans celebrate their freedom. We are blessed to live in a country that is all about being color blind, a melting pot of differences .
Recognizing that Divine Energy is in each of us, we see the connection to the Source.
When we hurt we all hurt, when we cry we all cry and when we smile we all smile.
We live in a democracy that is about sharing and caring for each other, not being better than or dictating how or what will make us happy.
The Universe gives us the gift of love and America allows us the freedom to love.
Be grateful for what you have and kind to those that don't have.
Teach children to find their passion by learning and living the passion within yourself.
No one has the right to tell you how to love, who to love or how to be happy.
That is between you and the Universe. Your reality is yours and yours alone.
No individual has the right to take you away from the things and the people that you love.
You chose to have an adventure and a life in America for your experience.
The experience that all men are created equal, no matter what their Spiritual beliefs may be or what color or gender they are.
You chose to co-create with all that the Universe has given and are free to be who you need to be while you are here.
Be grateful for your freedom.
God Bless America !
In joy,