Eckhart Tolle
My Message of the Month
A time of change
Along with the rest of the world I have been experiencing much change in my daily life. When talking to friends or listening to the news, there seems to be sadness and despair all around. There are only so many movies one can watch or so much music you can listen to, you just can't get around the negativity. Some days it seems like the new norm, a way of life into the future.
Change is always difficult because it is the unknown. Either you embrace it and see where it takes you, or you dwell on it and let it get to you. The beauty of free will and choice is that you can turn lemons into lemonade by adding a little sweetness.
Sweetness is an emotion that we all have if we choose to take the path of love.
The law of attraction teaches us that we are all responsible for our actions and we have the choice to learn from them or stay stuck in situations created.
It works when you ask for what you desire and then put it into action. Putting into action means believing and trusting that what you are asking for will be brought into your life.
You don't second guess, doubt or question your intention, you just allow it knowing that it will bring you to where you desire to be. Since the planet is experiencing change with health and lifestyle, it does not mean we cannot choose to adapt and stay in the vibration of unconditional love.
There has always been dis-ease and separation on the physical planet, this is not a new phenomena to anyone who has been participating. There are those that don't survive and those that continue to move on. Why choose to see what is occurring today from a perspective of the dark side, manifesting a world of fear and frustration. Choosing to stay in the vibration of your own love and joy creates an existence of happiness and abundance, allowing you to have the reality that works best for you.
Since we live in a world of variety both in families and cultures, there is no way we can survive living daily lives in the same mindset. Because we are diverse, we do not experience joy or pain equally. When focusing on our own personal gifts we achieve a unique form of happiness and fortune that manifests into truth. When you are in your truth, the Universe attracts and reacts, for that is a pure vibration.
I realize that today there is chaos and destruction around everyone and it is not very desirable. Is it a test or what happens when living in a diverse world forces us to choose how to deal with this situation? Take time to be grateful for what you have by going within and understanding that the outcome will teach us what path we desire to take, instead of the path we think we need. Realize that we are living in a diverse world and that we don't have to react like the masses, but move forward with what works for us individually. See the change as an opportunity to recover by staying true to yourself and creating how you would like to live your life now that it is different. Look at technology as your friend instead of your enemy. Understand that at some point in our lifetime each of us will win , lose, experience solitude, feel joy and endure pain. The only difference is how we choose to deal with it, be an optimist or a victim. We can never be a victim if we love our self unconditionally.
I am wishing that for every lemon you receive, you can create your own pitcher of lemonade. May you and your family stay safe, healthy and sweet. Be kind and care for each other attaining all the blessings of life in the present moment. What will happen tomorrow will be with you tomorrow.
Wishing you and your family Health, Happiness and Love.
In joy,
For the next two months I would like to offer phone readings
at a special price to all my clients and their friends.
Half hour session regular $76.00, now $51.00
Hour session regular $152.00, now $102.00
To schedule an appointment please contact me at:
[email protected],
( We can Zoom or Whatsapp )